Mother Shipton

☆ 英国の予言者。占い師。

ヘンリー7世の御世、1488年にヨークシャー、ネアズバラにて出生。洗礼名アーシュラ。姓に関しては諸説あり。Sontheil が有力とされる。




主要著作 *attributed to Mother Shipton.

The prophesie of Mother Shipton, in the raigne of King Henry the Eighth. Fortelling the death of Cardinall Wolsey, the Lord Percy and others, as also what should happen in insuing times
. Printed for Richard Lownds, London, 1641.
The Strange and Wonderful History of Mother Shipton, London, 1686
Mother Shipton's Gipsy fortune teller and dream book, H.J. Wehman, New York, 1890.

参考文献 Harrison, W.H., Mother Shipton investigated : the result of critical examination in the British Museum Library of the literature relating to the Yorkshire sibyl, W.H. Harrison, London, 1881.
THE LIFE AND PROPHECIES OF MOTHER SHIPTON, Containing much new and original Information relating to this Remarkable Woman, J.D. Hannam, Knaresborough, 1882.
